The AWP Senate Objectives: Our commitment, our guidelines.
The Australian Workers Party was formed to be a political voice for working people and the vulnerable in our community. We see the need for a new voice because the major political parties no longer represent the best interests of ordinary Australians. The major political parties are only focused upon themselves and the requests of their corporate sponsors.
The core values of AWP reflect a desire for justice and a hunger for fairness. With this in mind we have created guidelines for our Senate candidates to adhere to. This is no mere political ploy, this is our commitment and our guide.
AWP will be fielding candidates at the next Federal election. Should any AWP candidate be elected into the Senate, they would adhere to the following objectives:
1) That all AWP Senators would judge all proposed legislation through the prism of
i) how the proposed legislation would effect - positively or negatively - working people and vulnerable Australians and;
ii) would the proposed legislation benefit Australia's future.
iii) could the proposal be amended so that it would better support our values and our ideal that the Australian Senate should always support the best interests of all citizens.
2) That all AWP Senators would reject any proposed legislation that
i) does not benefit working people and their families and the broader Australian community.
ii) does not add in a positive way, to the fabric of our nation, socially, environmentally or economically.
iii) would disadvantage or erode the rights and freedoms of Australians.
iv) would promote or incite disharmony or hatred towards any sections of our society.
v) would benefit any foreign economic interests over the interests of Australia.
We believe our Senate Objectives would set firm and achievable guidelines as to not compromise our values and purpose.
The core values of AWP reflect a desire for justice and a hunger for fairness. With this in mind we have created guidelines for our Senate candidates to adhere to. This is no mere political ploy, this is our commitment and our guide.
AWP will be fielding candidates at the next Federal election. Should any AWP candidate be elected into the Senate, they would adhere to the following objectives:
1) That all AWP Senators would judge all proposed legislation through the prism of
i) how the proposed legislation would effect - positively or negatively - working people and vulnerable Australians and;
ii) would the proposed legislation benefit Australia's future.
iii) could the proposal be amended so that it would better support our values and our ideal that the Australian Senate should always support the best interests of all citizens.
2) That all AWP Senators would reject any proposed legislation that
i) does not benefit working people and their families and the broader Australian community.
ii) does not add in a positive way, to the fabric of our nation, socially, environmentally or economically.
iii) would disadvantage or erode the rights and freedoms of Australians.
iv) would promote or incite disharmony or hatred towards any sections of our society.
v) would benefit any foreign economic interests over the interests of Australia.
We believe our Senate Objectives would set firm and achievable guidelines as to not compromise our values and purpose.