Australia has long been a Nation of ideas and innovation. We need to encourage our people and industries to grow, not reduce our economy by becoming a country of consumers. Those with ideas of worth should be encouraged and receive Government assistance to manufacture and produce their goods in Australia. Selling off our best products, ideas and innovation to other nations has continued for far too many decades and must be stopped. Consumers don’t grow, innovators do, and that must be Australia’s path into the future. We propose a systemic approach that allows pathways for innovators to research, create, market and produce. A series of research and business growth grants that will practically encourage successful creativity that we can make here and export to the world.
When governments truly back new ideas and does not sacrifice them to the "global marketplace", it opens the doors to industry growth and increased employment opportunities. This benefits us all. Knowledge is power and a systemic embrace of innovation will grow our national prospects.
We propose a renewed approach to R&D funding, an expansion into support for science and technology, grant based opportunities for innovators and inventors and most of all a realisation that Australia needs to embrace the future.