The Australian Workers Party believes that education is a right for all citizens, young and old.
We believe that access to free education for all should be a national, valued goal. We believe that education and nation-building go hand-in-hand. There is no greater foundation to a strong economy or an intelligent and vibrant society. There is no greater asset than an educated community.
AWP supports public education. We believe in a well-funded early, primary and secondary public school system and tertiary education system. We support a tertiary education system with access via universities and technical and trades schools for all students based upon merit not personal wealth. We see a well-educated Australia as a bridge to a brighter future.
Our Goal is to Trust Education.
AWP believes in a national and consistent approach to all aspects of education, from early childhood to tertiary education. We would support an expanded role for the Federal government to assume both the funding, curriculum and administration of education. We do not support an arms-length approach by Federal governments in simply being a funding avenue to the States and Territories, nor do we wish to see the continuance of bureaucratic duplication in education or blame attribution between State or Federal governments. We trust the value of education and we do not want to see partisan games creating barriers to the provision of a sound education system.
Funding for Public Schools.
We support the Fair Funding formula as advocated by the Australian Education Union. We believe this model is the best vehicle to deliver adequate funding for primary and secondary schools across Australia at this time. We support needs based funding for education to ensure greater success for students in areas of disadvantage.
We would support any proposal that would encourage a full or partial move away from government funding for private and non-secular schools. We believe that education funding should be primarily directed at the public school system and we do not in principle support government subsidised funding for any fee-paying school.
Valuing Educators.
We reject, on principle any performance-based funding system for any level of education. Likewise, we reject any performance based wage structure or promotional pathway for educators across all areas of education.
AWP would initiate support for the reduction in the casualisation of educators’ positions across all levels of education. We would propose that 85% of all positions were offered as full time positions with the options of job-sharing under mutual agreement.
We would insist upon and support any proposal which put in place the same non-discriminatory practices which are currently operating for the hiring of educators in the public education system to be made mandatory for any government funded private institution.
Our organization values and supports teachers; we see the education as one of the most important fields of endeavour in our community. Accordingly, we want to see educators treated with respect. Part of that respect means that remuneration for educators should reflect their valued standing in our society.
We would support any proposal that would facilitate private school assets to be acquired by the Federal government for use within the public school system.
We would support an immediate halt in the sale of any State or Commonwealth owned property or facilities currently used for educational purposes, (unless any proposed disposal of property was related to a project to enhance a specific school community).
AWP would object to the use of corporate sponsorship or private / public funding arrangements in any public school or government funded early child care facility or any government funded tertiary institution.
We would support the expanded after hours use of educational facilities for community education programs, sporting and fitness programs or English language programs for people from non-English speaking backgrounds or similar programs which would be a benefit to our communities.
We would actively agitate for a comprehensive ten year modernisation plan for all public schools to ensure our children have the best environments in which to learn within.
Inclusiveness with No Barriers.
AWP is committed to ensure no child is subject to any detriment or discrimination due to their ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural heritage, gender, geographical location or financial status. We do not support any barriers in the provision of education.
We would support all measures to guarantee that every child is given every opportunity to excel to achieve to success. AWP would support any proposal which increased funding to specialist educators to facilitate the maximum access to our education system for children and adults with special needs.
AWP would support any objectives or programs which would ensure that indigenous communities were reaching the same educational benchmarks as non-indigenous communities.
We would support the introduction of an ethics module in the national curriculum for primary level school children to educate ethical values.
We would insist upon and support any proposal which put in place the same non-discriminatory practices which are currently operating for student selection and student disciplinary regimes in the public education system to be mandatory for any government funded private institution.
Early Education.
We support a well-funded, early education system that is influenced by world’s best practices. We would also support any proposal which would increase early education funding for staff education and wages to ensure decent wages and training opportunities for people working in early education. We would support Federal government funding which would enable greater service provision. We do not support an early education system which is totally reliant upon for-profit service providers. AWP would support the ideal that early education should be provided by Government and not by for-profit operators. We would support a structured system of governance in the early education area that would provide fair and open access across all communities.
Early education should be accessible to every Australian child at no cost for one year prior to the commencement of primary school. AWP would support any proposal which would fund one year of free preschool access for every Australian child.
Further to this, AWP would propose greater taxation benefits for working parents who have children who need to access day care.
Vocational Education and Training.
AWP would push for the reinvigoration of public vocational educational centres such as TAFE and would support any funding increases which would promote and secure TAFE as a vital provider of education in our country.
We would support any proposal which would reduce outsourcing of educational programs or training to VET for-profit service providers, with the intent to increase the scope and funding of government vocational training centres such as TAFE. We see the value of an affordable avenue for trades-based workers to increase their skills levels.
AWP would support a complete revision of trades-based apprenticeship programs to ensure maximised outcomes and also fair and reasonable allowances and conditions for all apprentices.
University Access.
AWP would support any proposal that would introduce a system of free access to universities and tertiary educational institutions for students that is merit based, not asset based. We do not in principle support a fee-paying structure for tertiary education nor do we support a tertiary system that is reliant upon any fee-paying structure.
Fee-paying institutions offering courses for international or domestic students would be free to operate but with no government funding. These for-profit organisations would also be required to subject themselves to quality control processes to keep them consistent with the education standards of government funded institutions.
We would support any proposal which facilitate a more comprehensive Open University network across Australia, breaking down the barriers of distance and access.
We would support any proposal which insisted in full transparency in research funding and tertiary studies or reports to avoid obvious or perceived conflicts of interest from any third party corporate or political interest.
Research & Development.
AWP would recognise the vital connection between education and the promotion of viable research and development and innovation programs.
We would support the establishment of a Ministerial portfolio which specifically dealt with R & D and Innovation in Australia. We would also advocate for the establishment of National R& D seed funding authority would receive adequate funding to progress worthwhile advancements into science, technology and health initiatives.
Educational Advice & Progress: Steps To Build A Smarter Nation.
AWP would seek to have created a special educational advisory body whose main functions would be to advise the Minister for Education on all matters relating to education and whose input would be factored into any Ministerial funding request to Treasury. This advisory board would consist of educators, students, parents and unions representing all educational sectors in Australia.
We would promote the establishment of a national educational summit which would take place every three years with the objective of seeking out and driving the implementation of world's’ best practices in education on all levels.
We would support in principle regular curriculum reviews for all levels of education. This process would invite bipartisan involvement as well and involvement from educators, parents and students.
AWP would actively and proudly voice our support for public education with regular consultative meetings with educators, students, parents and the Australian Education Union to assist in our education policy development and or in situations where AWP Members of Parliament were to vote on particular Bills that would affect public education.
Skills and Training
Australia should be training its own. Master Tradesmen and skilled personnel should be provided with realistic incentives and assistance to ensure future skill deficiencies can be met by training the youth of today, how many decades has Australia complained there are insufficient tradesmen to meet our needs? We should not be permitting 457, 471 or any other worker from overseas while our unemployment climbs and our youth are denied these opportunities. To say Australia needs to import unskilled workers at times when unemployment is rising is simply ridiculous. No employer should be permitted to claim they cannot find unskilled workers in such a climate, nor should the option exist.
We believe that access to free education for all should be a national, valued goal. We believe that education and nation-building go hand-in-hand. There is no greater foundation to a strong economy or an intelligent and vibrant society. There is no greater asset than an educated community.
AWP supports public education. We believe in a well-funded early, primary and secondary public school system and tertiary education system. We support a tertiary education system with access via universities and technical and trades schools for all students based upon merit not personal wealth. We see a well-educated Australia as a bridge to a brighter future.
Our Goal is to Trust Education.
AWP believes in a national and consistent approach to all aspects of education, from early childhood to tertiary education. We would support an expanded role for the Federal government to assume both the funding, curriculum and administration of education. We do not support an arms-length approach by Federal governments in simply being a funding avenue to the States and Territories, nor do we wish to see the continuance of bureaucratic duplication in education or blame attribution between State or Federal governments. We trust the value of education and we do not want to see partisan games creating barriers to the provision of a sound education system.
Funding for Public Schools.
We support the Fair Funding formula as advocated by the Australian Education Union. We believe this model is the best vehicle to deliver adequate funding for primary and secondary schools across Australia at this time. We support needs based funding for education to ensure greater success for students in areas of disadvantage.
We would support any proposal that would encourage a full or partial move away from government funding for private and non-secular schools. We believe that education funding should be primarily directed at the public school system and we do not in principle support government subsidised funding for any fee-paying school.
Valuing Educators.
We reject, on principle any performance-based funding system for any level of education. Likewise, we reject any performance based wage structure or promotional pathway for educators across all areas of education.
AWP would initiate support for the reduction in the casualisation of educators’ positions across all levels of education. We would propose that 85% of all positions were offered as full time positions with the options of job-sharing under mutual agreement.
We would insist upon and support any proposal which put in place the same non-discriminatory practices which are currently operating for the hiring of educators in the public education system to be made mandatory for any government funded private institution.
Our organization values and supports teachers; we see the education as one of the most important fields of endeavour in our community. Accordingly, we want to see educators treated with respect. Part of that respect means that remuneration for educators should reflect their valued standing in our society.
We would support any proposal that would facilitate private school assets to be acquired by the Federal government for use within the public school system.
We would support an immediate halt in the sale of any State or Commonwealth owned property or facilities currently used for educational purposes, (unless any proposed disposal of property was related to a project to enhance a specific school community).
AWP would object to the use of corporate sponsorship or private / public funding arrangements in any public school or government funded early child care facility or any government funded tertiary institution.
We would support the expanded after hours use of educational facilities for community education programs, sporting and fitness programs or English language programs for people from non-English speaking backgrounds or similar programs which would be a benefit to our communities.
We would actively agitate for a comprehensive ten year modernisation plan for all public schools to ensure our children have the best environments in which to learn within.
Inclusiveness with No Barriers.
AWP is committed to ensure no child is subject to any detriment or discrimination due to their ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural heritage, gender, geographical location or financial status. We do not support any barriers in the provision of education.
We would support all measures to guarantee that every child is given every opportunity to excel to achieve to success. AWP would support any proposal which increased funding to specialist educators to facilitate the maximum access to our education system for children and adults with special needs.
AWP would support any objectives or programs which would ensure that indigenous communities were reaching the same educational benchmarks as non-indigenous communities.
We would support the introduction of an ethics module in the national curriculum for primary level school children to educate ethical values.
We would insist upon and support any proposal which put in place the same non-discriminatory practices which are currently operating for student selection and student disciplinary regimes in the public education system to be mandatory for any government funded private institution.
Early Education.
We support a well-funded, early education system that is influenced by world’s best practices. We would also support any proposal which would increase early education funding for staff education and wages to ensure decent wages and training opportunities for people working in early education. We would support Federal government funding which would enable greater service provision. We do not support an early education system which is totally reliant upon for-profit service providers. AWP would support the ideal that early education should be provided by Government and not by for-profit operators. We would support a structured system of governance in the early education area that would provide fair and open access across all communities.
Early education should be accessible to every Australian child at no cost for one year prior to the commencement of primary school. AWP would support any proposal which would fund one year of free preschool access for every Australian child.
Further to this, AWP would propose greater taxation benefits for working parents who have children who need to access day care.
Vocational Education and Training.
AWP would push for the reinvigoration of public vocational educational centres such as TAFE and would support any funding increases which would promote and secure TAFE as a vital provider of education in our country.
We would support any proposal which would reduce outsourcing of educational programs or training to VET for-profit service providers, with the intent to increase the scope and funding of government vocational training centres such as TAFE. We see the value of an affordable avenue for trades-based workers to increase their skills levels.
AWP would support a complete revision of trades-based apprenticeship programs to ensure maximised outcomes and also fair and reasonable allowances and conditions for all apprentices.
University Access.
AWP would support any proposal that would introduce a system of free access to universities and tertiary educational institutions for students that is merit based, not asset based. We do not in principle support a fee-paying structure for tertiary education nor do we support a tertiary system that is reliant upon any fee-paying structure.
Fee-paying institutions offering courses for international or domestic students would be free to operate but with no government funding. These for-profit organisations would also be required to subject themselves to quality control processes to keep them consistent with the education standards of government funded institutions.
We would support any proposal which facilitate a more comprehensive Open University network across Australia, breaking down the barriers of distance and access.
We would support any proposal which insisted in full transparency in research funding and tertiary studies or reports to avoid obvious or perceived conflicts of interest from any third party corporate or political interest.
Research & Development.
AWP would recognise the vital connection between education and the promotion of viable research and development and innovation programs.
We would support the establishment of a Ministerial portfolio which specifically dealt with R & D and Innovation in Australia. We would also advocate for the establishment of National R& D seed funding authority would receive adequate funding to progress worthwhile advancements into science, technology and health initiatives.
Educational Advice & Progress: Steps To Build A Smarter Nation.
AWP would seek to have created a special educational advisory body whose main functions would be to advise the Minister for Education on all matters relating to education and whose input would be factored into any Ministerial funding request to Treasury. This advisory board would consist of educators, students, parents and unions representing all educational sectors in Australia.
We would promote the establishment of a national educational summit which would take place every three years with the objective of seeking out and driving the implementation of world's’ best practices in education on all levels.
We would support in principle regular curriculum reviews for all levels of education. This process would invite bipartisan involvement as well and involvement from educators, parents and students.
AWP would actively and proudly voice our support for public education with regular consultative meetings with educators, students, parents and the Australian Education Union to assist in our education policy development and or in situations where AWP Members of Parliament were to vote on particular Bills that would affect public education.
Skills and Training
Australia should be training its own. Master Tradesmen and skilled personnel should be provided with realistic incentives and assistance to ensure future skill deficiencies can be met by training the youth of today, how many decades has Australia complained there are insufficient tradesmen to meet our needs? We should not be permitting 457, 471 or any other worker from overseas while our unemployment climbs and our youth are denied these opportunities. To say Australia needs to import unskilled workers at times when unemployment is rising is simply ridiculous. No employer should be permitted to claim they cannot find unskilled workers in such a climate, nor should the option exist.