The AWP position on Government Procurement.
The AWP believes all levels of Government should be required to source infrastructure, manufactured goods, labour & contracting from Australian companies & sources, suppliers & manpower unless unavailable after exhaustive processes. This should including training & employment of Australians, an end to 457 visas, an end to contracting the building of trains from China or Korea and submarines from France while allowing Australians with these skills to lose their jobs.
We advocate that:
- ALL Government contracts & procurement to be via competitive, ethical & transparent means, under the auspice of a statutory authority and fixed guidelines.
- Young Australians to be encouraged & assisted into traineeships, apprenticeships & tertiary training including positions in public service.
- An end to privatisation of Government services, including any social services, infrastructure, roads & railways and national security.
- An end to all forms of exploitative employment including Government projects with casual labour hire, 457 important labour, pointless low paid traineeships & work for the dole scams.
- Severe penalties for Members of Parliament & high level public servants found to be beneficiaries of conflict of interest or unethical methods including insider knowledge.
- Full criminal history checks of all potential MPs, high level public servants & random drug & alcohol testing.
We believe that a commitment that governments source services, equipment, infrastructure, labour and contracting from within Australia would not only have enormous economic benefits but would be a sign of national confidence in our own resources.
The AWP believes all levels of Government should be required to source infrastructure, manufactured goods, labour & contracting from Australian companies & sources, suppliers & manpower unless unavailable after exhaustive processes. This should including training & employment of Australians, an end to 457 visas, an end to contracting the building of trains from China or Korea and submarines from France while allowing Australians with these skills to lose their jobs.
We advocate that:
- ALL Government contracts & procurement to be via competitive, ethical & transparent means, under the auspice of a statutory authority and fixed guidelines.
- Young Australians to be encouraged & assisted into traineeships, apprenticeships & tertiary training including positions in public service.
- An end to privatisation of Government services, including any social services, infrastructure, roads & railways and national security.
- An end to all forms of exploitative employment including Government projects with casual labour hire, 457 important labour, pointless low paid traineeships & work for the dole scams.
- Severe penalties for Members of Parliament & high level public servants found to be beneficiaries of conflict of interest or unethical methods including insider knowledge.
- Full criminal history checks of all potential MPs, high level public servants & random drug & alcohol testing.
We believe that a commitment that governments source services, equipment, infrastructure, labour and contracting from within Australia would not only have enormous economic benefits but would be a sign of national confidence in our own resources.