Foreign Ownership
The AWP believes Australia must oppose foreign ownership including privatisation of assets to foreign entities as it does not benefit Australia’s long term interests. We have become completely reliant on foreign owners to provide daily essential services such as food, clothing, petroleum, electricity, water and consumables. This should never have been seen as acceptable, and such practices must be halted.
The AWP demands that Foreign Investment in Australia be subject to the following;
The AWP demands that Foreign Investment in Australia be subject to the following;
- Australia must regain self-sufficiency, the future sale to foreign owners of our assets and Industries with which we historically generated revenue must cease.
- No more Australian soil, or industry licences should be made available for foreign ownership, if a foreign owner can make money from any industry here, be it land or ocean based, then so can Australian owners if correctly supported by the Government.
- Housing must be made affordable for Australians; non-resident foreign investors must no longer be able to enter into the private housing market in Australia.
- We must again develop strong sales for our beef, lamb, seafood and grains, not sell ownership of the land and industry to those who would strip our resources to meet their own Countries demands, This has occured repeatedly to Australians detriment from the resulting price increases and decreasing availability for Australians to the best foods that we produce.
- We must again refine our own fuel, due to sales of our refineries and outlets Australia is almost 100% reliant on imported petroleum and gas, and this places us at grave risk in the event of shortages or strong regional or global conflicts.